Saturday, December 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street = OLD NEWS.  I am tired of hearing about it. Maybe if these people seemed like they had something legitimate to complain about, I would be more inclined to see reason in their arguments. What really gets me is the fact they have the TIME to sit in a park and protest the 1%. Funny idea, but getting a job might ACTUALLY get you closer to being in the 1% than just whining about them. Hate to pull the Africa card guys, but if they want to EAT, they work all day. Usually for less than $1 a day. I would love to know if any of the Occupiers have even missed a meal. According to Wikipedia (reliable, I know), the US houses 5.17% of the population, yet owns 21.7% of the world wealth (PPP) and 23.8% of the GDP (PPP)

Pretty fascinating, right? Just by essence of living in America, we are in the top 5% of the world. Not many other people can afford to hang out in a park and complain about life. Interesting thought.

The other thing that really gets me is the fact that these people are protesting against people who are actually WORKING. Another crazy thought. But getting a job might actually just help one out in life.

Soon to come:
Why they ARE the 1%
In depth bios about the top earners on the Forbe's list and WHY they are where they are
Trust me, they weren't just hanging out in a park.